
Coomes Fresh 48 Session

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I am so thrilled to be shooting Fresh 48 Sessions again! With such strict hospital rules in 2020 due to Covid, Fresh 48’s were off the table for quite some time. But being able to capture precious first moments like this has filled my cup again!

I first met Randi in 2019 when we shot her bridal portraits. She was SO easy to photograph, and knocked it right out the park, so I knew that shooting with her again would be a breeze! She and John welcomed their rainbow boy, Bowen, on a very early April morning (or really, middle of the night!) and had me come in before they were released to go home. The baby fever was so real! I’m so excited for them to begin their journey together with their perfect new addition, and was so tickled to meet him and preserve these first moments for them.

Congratulations Randi and John!

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